
Riddles number 1, $1000.


Our first riddle aimed for the Synk community to discover Doctor K. To achieve this, one had to go to the deepest and earliest part of Synk, its Solidity contract. Dr. K had left traces! With these, you had to search until you came across a letter he had left from the beginning of Synk's story.


To start your quest, decode the following message:

 Zhofrph wr Vbqn, zkhuh wkh hfkrhv ri Gu. n vhfuhw pdfklqh vwloo kdxqw hyhub olqh ri frgh 

Then, a certain key was decodable from base 64.

// | Synk Machine Secure Launch Protocol:                                                                                |"|
// | 1. Authenticate user 'Dr. K'                                                                                        |"|
// |    > Synk:> auth --username Mr                                                                                      |"|
// | 2. Establish connection to Tor node via Synk:                                                                       |"|
// |    > Synk:> connect tor --node undercover                                                                           |"|
// | 3. Securely access the remote file 'hidden':                                                                        |"|
// |    > Synk:> secure-access --file /secret-vault/synk/hidden.enc --key {U2VjcmV0LzE5NzA=}                             |"|
// | 4. Decrypt and prepare project 'Synk' for loading:                                                                  |"|
// |    > Synk:> decrypt --file /secret-vault/synk/hidden.enc --output /temp/synk.dec                                    |"|
// | 5. Load and verify the integrity of project 'Synk':                                                                 |"|
// |    > Synk:> load --project /temp/synk.dec                                                                           |"|
// |    > Synk:> verify --project Synk --signature {IFJvb3RAMjU2Yml0IA==}                                                |"|
// | 6. Execute the project 'Synk':     

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